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Sport Massage Treatment at Flexible Athlete

Sport massage treatments by Julie Donnelly are very different than those offered by the majority of massage therapists.


If you are an athlete, or if you love to be active, you have found the right place!


Athletes have very specific needs that Julie found weren’t being met with even deep muscle massage. A concentrated study of muscles, and especially pain areas that are commonly a distance from the spasms causing the pain (called “referred pain”), led Julie to develop her own style of sport massage treatment.


She called it Julstro Muscular Therapy (JMT) because it is not massage, it truly is “muscular therapy.”  More focused and deeper than regular sports massage treatments, JMT locates the source of the pain, and then Julie applies pressure to force the hydrogen ions (H+), which is the acid portion of lactic acid, out of the muscle.


The acid passes through the muscle fibers, initially causing discomfort but as the percentage of acid to blood rapidly changes, the spasm disappears and the strain is removed from the tendon and bone.


While working with endurance athletes who are often many miles from home as they run, cycle, train, or compete, Julie realized the need to teach athletes how to do self-treatments.  At the same time Julie experienced a series of sports injuries that forced her to develop the self-treatments that she now teaches under the name Focused Flexibility Training.


Thousands of athletes worldwide have benefited from the  Julstro Method of Muscular Therapy via in-person therapy sessions, her books, DVD’s, and various self-treatment programs.  The athletes range from beginners through Olympic and World Class levels, proving that the Julstro Method works!

In fact, check out this video by Allen Woodard, the World Record-Breaking 400m sprinter for his age class!


When Julie first met Allen he hadn’t been able to run in 20 years and after going through mental pain for his loss, he had decided he was going to run no matter how much pain he experienced. They’re both happy to say that the self-treatments Julie taught Allen changed his life, and he told Julie that without them he would never have become a record-breaking sprinter!


Thanks for the compliment Allen, but I’m not a doctor. – Julie 🙂

Julstro Muscular Therapy Center was located in New York until Julie moved to Sarasota, FL. When she got here she changed the name of her business to The Flexible Athlete to better reflect the clients who come to her for sports injuries and chronic pain relief.


With offices in both Sarasota and Venice, Florida, you may also work with Julie as she travels to North Carolina, New York, and other areas on the East Coast.

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